Did you know the Latin root word of passion is “to suffer”?
Being passionate literally means you are willing to suffer for the things you love.
It took me a long time to realize what my passions are.
Throughout school, I figured I’d become a doctor or lawyer, by virtue of my stereotypical Asian parents (sorry Mom and Dad but that ship has long sailed).
In college, I changed my major a total of three times.
I felt so incompetent because I didn't know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life by the time I was 18—or hell, well into my twenties.
Then one day, I took a long hard look in the mirror and asked myself this daunting question: what am I good at?
And what I found was this: I hadn't the slightest clue.
So, I did the sensible thing one should do if they find themselves in this exact same predicament:
Try new things. Hone in on new skills. Be open to change.
I wrote down a list of passions that have always interested me but I never fully invested myself in.
I finally stopped overthinking and started doing.
After many trials and tribulations, I came to the realization that I’m actually good at not only one, but many things. Oh, sweet relief!
With the support of my family, friends, and a couple of clients, plus my own self-discoveries, I gained some confidence…and I am hungry for so much more.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to choose one path, day in and day out, until you either die or retire.
Shocking, I know. You’ve been told otherwise for so long.
And you don’t have to quit your day job to start doing what sets your soul on fire.
Life is full of countless wonders designed for grand endeavors.
We have to chase them.
I want to write and take photographs and design and study foreign films and travel the world and help others achieve success through the art of copy and maybe even start my own full-time creative biz one day.
Who the hell knows?
All I know is that these things won’t happen if I don’t try.
Big dreams don’t come true without a healthy dose of pain and suffering.